About Us
This Varusha Panchangam is printed by Nithya Kamya Maha Yagnya Samithi every year. The trust is run by Shri K.S. Mani Sastrigal & Shri Kadayanallur Hariharan. Whereas the trust is also supported by Shri Venkatarama Sastrigal, Shri Venkatesh Vadhyar and Shri Thyagaraja Vadhyar from the United States of America.Every year we print & publish this panchangam for about 30,000 copies that being supplied to the users who are avail in all over India, United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates & even other Asian Countries.

Trust's Activities and Social Welfare interests :
- The Trust is involved in activities like, Veda Patasalai which is in Kadayanallur, with around 16 students at present. This Patasalai is being run for past 9 years, which teaches the students Vedas, English & other communications.
- The Trust is also involved in social welfare activities like helping for Marriage of females who belong to poor families, Educational Help for poor students (for both genders), Death rituals for poor families at no cost, and Daily Annadhanam etc.,
- Through the trust, with help of devotees at Alwarthirunagar, Chennai India, Daily Ganapathi Homam, Navagraha Homam, Ayush Homam (On star birthdays), Amruthamrithumjaya Homam etc., are being performed.

Devotees who wish to participate or to help either monthly or annually, are requested to send a Demand-Draft (DD) or a Cheque only. NEFT is also entertained. (We request you not to send any Money-Orders.) Devotees are requested to avail their presence and get the blessings.
Interested Devotees can contact us now and participate in the Trust's Activities. Click here to contact us » 
We at NKMY Samithi, pray Veda Matha to bless all Devotees, their families, Firms, Organizations to receive all wealth and prosperity.